Need to make a complaint?
At Superscript, we aim to provide you with great customer service at all times. If you are not satisfied for any reason, please get in touch so we can resolve your issue quickly.
We take customer service seriously, and are proud of our excellent Trustpilot rating. If our service has fallen short of your expectations and you wish to raise a complaint, you can contact us as follows.
Message us
Email complaints@gosuperscript.com
Include your name, your policy number if you have one and a quick summary of what’s happened.
Phone us
Call 0333 772 0759+31 10 8080 889
Mon – Thur, 8am - 8pm and Fridays, 9am – 6pm, charged at your local rate. Closed bank holidays.
Write to us
Address to: Emma Liasi, Complaints Manager
Level 3, 16 Eastcheap
United Kingdom
What happens when a complaint is made?
If you make a complaint we’ll follow our complaint handling procedure, which is outlined below and available here.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may be entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
We'll get on the case
Once you've contacted us we will attempt to resolve your complaint within three business days. If this is not possible, we promise to acknowledge your complaint within five business days of receipt, and we’ll keep you updated on the next steps and future timescales as the complaint progresses.
A decision will be made
Within eight weeks of receiving the complaint we will either issue you with a final response letter detailing the outcome of our investigation and our decision, or provide a letter confirming when we anticipate to have concluded our investigation.
If you disagree with the decision
If you are unhappy with our decision, or if we do not complete our investigation within eight weeks, you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) which, once contacted, will liaise with us on your behalf. This must be done within six months of our final response letter.

View our complaint handling procedure
Our complaint handling procedure outlines how we handle and resolve our complaints, to ensure all complaints are settled fairly, consistently and promptly.
The policy has been designed to align to the regulatory requirements regarding dispute resolution.
Authorised by the FCA
The FCA supervises UK financial services firms to protect consumers. We are directly authorised and regulated by the FCA and our Firm Reference Number is 656459. These details can be confirmed on the Financial Services Register at www.fca.org.uk or by calling the FCA on 0845 606 1234.
A-rated financial strength
Our insurance products are underwritten by Standard & Poor’s A-rated financial strength or higher. This means the underwriter has been independently assessed by the world’s leading credit rating provider and found to have a strong capacity to meet financial commitments (pay claims).
Protected by the FSCS
If you are a business with an annual turnover under £1m, charity with an annual income under £1m, or trust with net assets under £1m, then you will be entitled to compensation from the FSCS in the unlikely event we cannot meet our obligations. Full details and further information on the scheme are available at www.fscs.org.uk.