Fintech insurance
Our creative, custom-made fintech insurance offering means we’ve been the preferred industry go-to from the off.
David and Hugo were an immense help in securing our business needs and turning around our requests allowing no change to our business momentum. Superscript have been amazing to work with, they understand both a startup's needs for pace, but also the fintech industry. There was no need for further explanation, they just knew what we needed.
Frederika Johnstone, Chief of Staff, Banked

What insurance do fintech businesses need?
Although the financial services sector is ripe for disruption, starting a fintech business is not without its risks and difficulties. Compliance, regulation and old-fashioned systems can make innovation challenging and the risk of making a mistake devastating.
To combat this, we've shared what insurance is recommended for fintechs.

How Superscript is simplifying insurance for fintechs
The insurance industry famously lags when it comes to providing fintechs with the tailored and forward-thinking insurance that's needed — Superscript is blasting through these roadblocks by making insurance for fintechs more streamlined.

What our expert says
Hugo Balfour, Senior Account Manager
A common misconception is that fintech insurance is expensive. A good broker should be able to appraise the insurance market on behalf of a fintech business and provide a solution that is competitive and in line with the business’ demands and needs.

Fintech insurance FAQs
Can a fintech insurance policy be adjusted during the policy period?
Yes, we understand that running an innovative business means clients will require a flexible policy to meet the evolving risks your business faces as you grow. As such, your policy can be adjusted where necessary during its lifetime.
We are not a regulated entity, why do I need fintech insurance?
Tailored fintech insurance does not just protect your business from regulatory exposures. Typically, fintech insurance is a packaged product consisting of professional indemnity, directors' and officers' liability, cyber and crime insurance, covering your fintech business from an extensive range of risks.
We are a startup with a small client base, is fintech insurance meant to be for larger businesses?
As the majority of businesses utilise the digital space, it’s more important than ever to be aware of the risks your small business could face online. Crime can impact businesses in a number of ways, and a cyber-related attack could have the potential to cause not just just financial, but reputational harm to a small business.
These attacks are not reserved for large corporations, as cyber attacks on small businesses can also prove damaging and costly.
Can fintech insurance cover my business for theft of funds?
Many fintech companies will be dealing with a high amount of funds movement, particularly in payments. Innovative technologies may lead to your business being targeted for the theft of these funds.
A fintech insurance policy could provide cover for funds lost if the theft was by either an employee or third party.
What information do I need to provide to get a quote for fintech insurance?
This depends slightly on what solution your fintech business is providing. All clients are asked to complete a short, digital application form, which will collate key risk details for the underwriter to review as they prepare your quote.
Depending on whether you have been trading in the last 12 months, you may be asked to provide financials, or if you are a newly incorporated entity, some insurers may ask for a copy of your business plan.
What does fintech insurance cover me for?
A well tailored fintech policy will blend together a wide range of essential insurance lines into a single comprehensive solution. Fintech packages can include professional liability (sometimes referred to as professional indemnity or PI), covering both sides of tech and financial liability, directors' and officers' liability, crime and cyber insurance.
Can I extend my fintech cover to include the US?
In short, yes! At Superscript, we know that the US is a huge market for a number of fintech businesses. We aim to be able to secure you a quote to cover entities domiciled in the US as well as your activities within US jurisdiction.
What covers are provided in a PSD2 compliant policy and what limit I should be taking up?
There are three main covers provided in a PSD2 policy:
- Professional indemnity insurance
- Data security cover
Directors' and officers' liability insurance, which is optional.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) has produced some guidance on what the PII should address in order for it to be suitable for entities covered by PSD2. The EBA has also issued a formula for calculating the minimum monetary limit for insurance.
We are able to advise you what limit of liability should be able to meet the EBA’s expectations.
What about PSD3?
The European Commission announced their plans to update PSD2 legislation in June 2023. You can read about the proposed changes in our blog. If you have any further questions, then get in touch with one of our team.
Authorised by the FCA
The FCA supervises UK financial services firms to protect consumers. We are directly authorised and regulated by the FCA and our Firm Reference Number is 656459. These details can be confirmed on the Financial Services Register at www.fca.org.uk or by calling the FCA on 0845 606 1234.
Protected by the FSCS
If you are a business with an annual turnover under £1m, charity with an annual income under £1m, or trust with net assets under £1m, then you will be entitled to compensation from the FSCS in the unlikely event we cannot meet our obligations. Full details and further information on the scheme are available at www.fscs.org.uk.