14 ways to create an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace in 2024

Creating an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace isn’t just the right thing to do, it makes business sense, too.
"Inclusive workplaces ensure employees are safe, respected and able to fully contribute” says Jackie Ferguson, Head of Content & Programming at The Diversity Movement. “An Oxford study showed that employees that are happy at work are 13% more productive, which means greater profitability for any business.”
We caught up with six LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs, LGBTQ+ founders and diversity and inclusion advocates to get their top tips for building an inclusive workplace. Here’s what they had to say:
1. Recognise that identities are complex
“Identities are complex and intersectional” says career coach Kyle Elliott. “Recognise that employees who identify as LGBT may also belong to other historically oppressed communities as well.”
As a business, you can support your LBGTQ+ staff by understanding that everyone is different. Set time aside to get to know your team and create a safe space for them to share any issues they’re experiencing, if they wish to.
2. Celebrate openness
“One of the most important parts of being LGBTQ+ inclusive is sharing my story openly and creating a positive culture within our team” says business mindset and manifesting coach Dr Morgana McCabe Allan.
“As a pansexual cisgender woman married to a straight cisgender male", Allan goes on to say, "my LGBTQ+ identity is hidden by the assumptions others make when then they encounter me. By being present to that, and showing up as actively embracing my sexuality and that of all others, we promote safety and belonging.”
3. But don’t expect anyone to ‘out’ themselves
Being ‘out’ at work is a choice that each individual should feel comfortable to make for themselves. Many people won’t feel safe or comfortable outing themselves at work, so design your programmes to include people, whether they are ‘out’ or not.
4. Create a community
An effective LGBTQ+ network should have clear aims, responsibilities, resources and support from leaders at the highest level.
Including people whether they are LGBTQ+ or not is vital. This helps to establish an organisation-wide culture, shows that inclusion is something everybody can take action on, and it allows people to participate without being forced to ‘out’ themselves.
It’s especially important if your company operates in places that are less safe and inclusive, including the 66 countries around the world that criminalise being LGBTQ+.
“A network of LGBTQ+ people and allies helps people in less progressive countries sign up as an ally if they’re not out” says Thom Allcott, Global head of strategic initiatives at YouGov.
5. Make allyship visible
At YouGov, the LGBTQ+ and allies network can display stickers on their desks to show their membership of and support for the network. At Accenture, allies have a rainbow lanyard for their security pass.
By appointing LGBTQ+ inclusion champions and allies at all levels of your organisation, and ensuring you have visible support and sponsorship from senior leaders, you can make visible allyship an integral part of you business' culture.
6. Know that there’s no quick fix
There’s no button you can press for instant LGBTQ+ inclusion. It’s an ongoing, ever-evolving journey towards a more inclusive future. Similarly, there is no one template for a perfectly LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace. Inclusivity should be seen as both a process and a goal, rather than a quick fix.
“You need to inject training and expectations around inclusion into all your contact with your team” says performance manager Ryan, “From on-boarding to promotion milestones, this shows that LGBT inclusivity is part of the culture.”
7. It’s not all Pride and parties
“We have come so far in terms of LGBT rights in the years since the Stonewall uprising” says Thom Allcott of YouGov, “But there is still a lot to be done. Trans people are the most at-risk group in our community right now and they face very difficult situations all the time, some of them risk being beaten up, some even being killed. For organisations trying to progress LGBT policy and make and become a better LGBT employer there are a lot of steps that they can take.”
A good first step is to acknowledge the serious risks that some staff may potentially face, and provide support wherever you can.
8. Cultivate compassion
We are all at different stages in our journey. “In my team, some of us are super passionate about understanding gender and sexuality” says programme manager Mita, “And then you have people who’ve never heard there’s a difference between biological sex and gender. They find it confusing.”
Sometimes it’s right to call people out. Actions like deliberately or maliciously using someone’s old name after they’ve transitioned can be incredibly harmful. However, it's important to acknowledge that 'deadnaming' can be done accidentally with no malicious intent. Where it’s safe and appropriate to do so, encourage your team to call people in rather than call them out.
Calling out assumes the worst and assumes that the motivation for someone's harmful comments or actions are malicious, when they could just as easily be the result of momentary thoughtlessness, ignorance or naivety. Calling in assumes that we’re all human, we make mistakes and we want to learn how to do better. It encourages changes in behaviour rather than demonising mistakes.
9. Don’t ask minoritised colleagues to educate the others
Sometimes, more engaged colleagues like to share their knowledge with less engaged colleagues, but don’t place the burden of education on your staff, especially members of the LGBTQ+ community. If people wish to share their knowledge, make it easy for them to do so. If not, be prepared to invest the time, energy and resources needed to get your team up to speed.
10. Let people choose their own labels
Some people find labels like gay, trans, queer or bi really empowering. For others, labels feel painful and oppressive.
Let people choose. If someone wants to come out as trans or gay, offer them support. If not, leave people free not to put themselves in boxes.
If you use a central employee database or HR software, or a business-wide messaging system, it is best-practice to remove anything that gets in the way of people changing their pronouns or name on their official record.
If an employee wants to change their name, for example, make sure they can do this without requiring a deed poll. Educate the wider team on why respecting somebody’s chosen name is essential.
11. Mind your language
Language matters. It can help people feel included, empowered and protected. When language is misused, it can leave people feeling alienated, lost and stigmatised.
Create a list of inclusive terms (like the one below) to help your team use the right language.
For more tips, read The Diversity Movement’s whitepaper Say This, Not That or Bristol University's Progressive Writing Guide.
Inclusive terms
- Hi all, folks, team, friends, team, everybody, everyone, or specific terms like customers, clients, employees
- Invite your partners, spouses to the event
- Chair, chairperson, door attendant, bartender, server etc
- Humankind
- Best person for the job
- The person in the green shirt
- Sexual orientation, sexuality
- Gender identity
- Trans, trans person, transgender person, trans man, trans woman
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer (a reclaimed slur term that many people identify with, but others find offensive)
- Employees should read guidance carefully
Not inclusive terms
- Hi guys, ladies, gentlemen
- Invite your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife to the event
- Chairman, doorman, barman, barmaid, waiter, waitress etc
- Mankind
- Best man for the job
- The man in the green shirt
- Sexual preference
- Sex, specifically mistaking sex for gender
- Transgendered, transwoman, transman
- Decided to be/become a man or woman
- Homosexuals
- Each employee should read his guidance carefully
12. Normalise pronouns
"Including pronouns in your email signature and social media profiles is an important move towards inclusivity," says LGBTQ+ Inclusion Consultant Gina Battye. “Adding these words to your email signature has the practical benefit of making clear how you would like to be referred to, while also signalling to the recipient that you will respect their gender identity and choice of pronouns. It is an effective way of normalising discussions about gender and creating an inclusive work environment for transgender and non-binary people."
Not everyone will feel comfortable sharing their pronouns. You could say something like:
Anyone who wants to add their pronouns to their email signature is welcome to. Adding these words helps make it clear that we respect each other’s gender identities and normalise conversations about gender.
You can display pronouns in Slack profiles, Zoom participant names, staff bios, HR and payroll software, PowerPoint templates, nametags, nameplates and business cards.
13. Don’t show the flag if you aren’t doing the work
Too many companies slap the rainbow logo on their website during Pride month each year, without contributing in a meaningful way to furthering the cause of LGBTQ+ rights and equality.
At best, this is tokenism, but at worst it could make marginalised people feel that they will be welcome when bringing them into harmful environments.
“Contribute to grassroots organisations” says Thom Allcott. That way, you’re helping support the movement and getting support to people that work in challenging environments, and are often the least likely to get funds.
14. Create a strong inclusion policy
And actually use it.
Policies are great, but what matters more is having a growth mindset, ambition and a real commitment to becoming a truly inclusive workplace.
As a certified B Corp™ business, we’re dedicated to a continuous journey of improvement. One such way is how we maintain and improve the work environment for our staff.
The B Corp movement strives to build a more inclusive and equitable economy for everyone and part of this mission is making sure that the voices of all customers and workers are heard and valued every day of the year.
Setting up an ED&I (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) policy is simple. Places like the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) are a great place to start for the ED&I basics. Plus, there are plenty of free ED&I policy templates to download from the internet to get you started.
Following steps like these, you’ll be well on your way to making that a reality.
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