Lifestyle posts
Ready to live the life of a leader? Discover our lifestyle tips covering topics such as sleep, health and reading that are designed to benefit you as a business owner.
Mental health resources for entrepreneurs
A round up of apps, advice and resources that are designed to help improve your wellbeing including stress levels, anxiety and sleep.
World Book Day 2022: Star reads
Superscript's Leadership Team's favourite reads of the last 12 months, brought to you in celebration of World Book Day 2022.
Self care and mental wellbeing at work
With concerns around individuals’ mental health coming into ever sharper focus in recent years, here is our collection of useful articles around mental wellbeing and self care at work, this Blue Monday.
What is my carbon footprint and how can I reduce it?
For a healthier planet, we need to understand and reduce our carbon footprints. Read our practical tips to help drive down your carbon emissions.
The surprising power of checking in with your coworkers
Checking in with your coworkers can have incredible results. Try our 8 tips to boost workplace wellbeing.
2021 health and beauty trends from California
California leads the way in health, beauty and wellness. Here are 13 West coast trends set to transform our habits in 2021.
13 ways to sleep better when you’re stressed
Quality sleep is essential for our health, productivity and wellbeing, but stress can make sleep hard to come by.