Posts by Ben Davis
Ben has spent over 13 years in the insurance industry with six focused on crypto insurance. Ben has been an underwriter, broker, team leader and co-founder (Coincover) in the digital asset insurance industry. He has a deep specialism in blockchain and cryptoassets and wrote the first ever UK consumer Bitcoin theft insurance policy. Often featured in articles, podcasts, on stage and online, he’s been held up as a world leader when it comes to digital asset insurance. In 2020, he was awarded a ‘Rising Star’ in the UK insurance industry, and in 2022 was awarded the Young Broker of the Year Award at the Insurance Insider Honours Awards.

International Federation of Esports Coaches
Superscript has partnered with the International Federation of Esports Coaches to provide insurance for coaches and teams.
Esports and crypto | an age old love affair
Esports and cryptocurrency are a modern tale of Romeo and Juliet. In this article, our Insurance Lead, Ben Davies, explains why in five points.
How to do more with less in 2020
We spoke at the "IT MATTERS" forum at Lloyd's about habits practised by some of the leading companies today. Here's what we learned.
Insuring Web 3.0: Blockchain and Digital Currencies
Bitcoin makes its financial services accessible to anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world. What does this mean for the insurance industry?