Freelance posts
Becoming a freelancer is an exciting adventure – arm yourself with all the advice, answers and jargon you'll need with these relevant blog posts from fellow freelancers and self-employment experts.
The best websites for freelance jobs
Getting started as a freelancer can be daunting, we've shared some of the best sites to consider if you’re looking for work as a freelancer.
The UK’s best paid freelance jobs
Find out how much UK freelancers earn within marketing, tech and creative industries – and which freelance jobs pay the highest day rates.
Maternity pay for the self-employed
Whilst Statutory Maternity Pay isn’t available to the self-employed, help is available through the Maternity Allowance. Find out everything you need to know about what is is and how to claim.
What is an umbrella company? And should you use one?
Umbrella companies act as the middle man between you and a client or recruitment company. Learn who they're suitable for and the pros and cons of using one.
What is the retirement age in the UK?
Understanding when you can stop working will help you work out how much pension you need to retire, especially if you're self-employed. Find out what you need to think about here.
How much to charge as a freelancer
Set your rates confidently with our practical guide to charging the right fees as a freelancer, contractor or consultant.
Differences between company structures in the UK
Sole trader vs. limited company? Self-employed vs. sole trader? Understanding the difference between business structures will help you decide which is right for you.