Posts by Annabel Mekelenkamp
Annabel has a broad background in financial services, both in The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. After working her way up at ING, Rabobank and Nationale Nederlanden, she waved goodbye to the finance world to join Superscript – then Digital Risks – at its inception in 2015 as Operations Director. From helping secure the initial rounds of funding to setting up the Rotterdam office, she’s spent her time at Superscript as the resident Swiss army knife, happily supporting wherever it's needed.

What we’ve learnt from growing our team in 2020
Since the start of 2020, we’ve seen our team double in size. Here are some of the lessons we’ve learnt along the way.
A guide to how small business loans work
Looking for a small business loan? We explore the types of small business loan available, who can apply for one, and how they work.
Women in startups
Of all the startups launched in the UK between 2000-2018, 19.4% were founded by women.