Self care and mental wellbeing at work

Work and stress don't mix
Work can sometimes be stressful, whatever industry you are in and whatever stage of your career you are at. Moreover, working apart from colleagues and clients remotely from home can be an isolating experience. However, stress and feelings of isolation are not conducive to a healthy working environment.
So, first up, let us share with you our top tips and advice for coping with stress when working remotely.
Next up, we have an interview with the founder of the workplace mental health platform Unmind, Dr Nick Taylor, about the importance of putting mental health first in the workplace.
Self-care resources
These days, a great deal of focus is placed on physical healthcare being proactive and preventative rather than reactive. Mental health is no different and the concept of self-care is becoming more and more important as we better understand how to manage our own mental health.
While we often moan about how the excessive use of technology in our lives is contributing to various mental health issues, it is easy to forget that technology can be a hugely important ally in the fight to stay mentally healthy. Our very own Masha Gribova breaks down the five best apps out there to help you work on your mental wellbeing.
Following on from Masha’s list, we have also curated a selection of the 7 most comprehensive tools for mental wellbeing that includes information and reviews of the top platforms for everything from online therapy to meditation and help sleeping to productivity at work.
Finally, we all love a good podcast. The spoken word audio format has exploded in popularity in recent years. Here we run down our six favourite podcasts that deal with mental wellbeing and reducing stress, both at work and in our home lives.
Take care, entrepreneur
To round things off, let’s turn our attention specifically to that community within the world of business who take huge risks and go out on a limb to create something new, the entrepreneurs of this world!
Any form of work can be stressful at times, any workplace depressing in the wrong circumstances and any task anxiety-inducing for some people. However, entrepreneurs who start their own business ventures are perhaps more prone than most to issues of poor mental health, given the risks of striking out alone.
So, our final article is for the risk-taking, industry-disrupting, mould-breaking entrepreneurs who may need a little advice and support to keep their mental wellbeing in line. These are our top health and wellbeing hacks for entrepreneurs, but these gems of advice can help anyone who is struggling with work or in their personal life.
So, take care of yourself, be mindful, check-in on friends and colleagues and here’s to a happy and mentally healthy year ahead!
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