The Baseline
A guide to going self-employed
Going self-employed can seem like a huge step to take if you've always been an employee. In this guide, we run through all you need to know.
Superscript teams up with Checkatrade
We've partnered up with Checkatrade provide its tradespeople with personalised business insurance. Find out more.
Five AI trends for 2024
We’ve read, listened, watched and talked to AI disruptors and innovators so we could distil their thoughts into the top five AI trends for 2024. Read on to get informed.
Everything you need to know about intellectual property
Ever wondered what intellectual property is? Want to know how intellectual property insurance can help protect your business? Then read this handy guide.
Is coworking right for me?
In this article, we look at things to consider when exploring the possibility of a move to coworking.
Ultimate guide to startup funding
Everything you need to know about funding for startups. Find out how to make (and not break) your business, with our ultimate guide.
3 ways web3 companies can buy insurance
The risks web3 companies face are complex. With innovation at the forefront, it's important to ensure you're properly covered. Read on to discover the three main ways you can get the insurance you may need as a web3 innovator.
The biggest risks web3 companies face
At Superscript, 100% of our web3 claims come from off-chain risks. As complex as the web3 landscape is, it’s often the places founders overlook that turn out to be the most important. Take a read of the three biggest risks web3 founders face.
9 AI firms revolutionising healthcare
Meet nine artificial intelligence companies across the UK and Europe that are making waves in the healthcare sector.
Unboxing the trends of women in tech
Women are underrepresented in tech, making up just 26% of the industry workforce. Discover which challenges they face, and unpack trends in this space.