Tips posts

Discover inside information on a bunch of topics from our in-the-know team to fast track your learning on things like marketing, cybersecurity, taxes and more.

01 May 20
4 minute read

Josh's life during lockdown

Josh, our Customer Success Team Lead, shares his experience of settling in to working from home, with a few handy tips he picked up along the way.

14 April 20
5 minute read

Protect your business from cyber crime

With lockdown keeping us online, the threat of cyber criminals is pervasive. We’ve put together a guide to cybersecurity threats.

21 June 19
2 minute read

Top 5 benefits of data privacy for startups

Start-ups are not immune to the threat of data breaches and have a responsibility to protect their customers data.

13 March 19
3 minute read

Top reasons for starting a business

Becoming a startup entrepreneur is a tough gig – but it’s also enormously rewarding.

23 January 19
4 minute read

Carrying out a cybersecurity risk assessment

Everything you need to know about setting up a cybersecurity risk management framework for your business.

13 December 18
8 minute read

The cost of lost and stolen gadgets

Losing a device isn't just about the cost of replacement, you may also be losing something more valuable - data.

22 October 18
5 minute read

Leading vs Managing - understanding the difference

Defining roles and responsibilities is a key development step for any growing startup. It can be challenging, but it's key to growing a steamlined team.